Tributary allows you to get started with d3.js and SVG right away. It is purposefully built for quickly prototyping data visualizations.
Tributary is built with the help of friends.
Tributary is open source!
I use Tributary professionally to prototype web-based data visualizations. I also use it to make tutorials around d3.js
is this example working without tributary? Like as a d3 tutorial, how would the multi-line chart work?
the only thing tributary does in this example is provide an svg element for the js to use. If you do it without tributary you would just need an html file with an svg element in it, and d3.js included.
If you want to discuss in more detail, we have a mailing list where I’d be happy to talk more!!forum/tributary
Hi enjalot,
I’m really inspired by Tributary and would like to use it to start learning D3. I’d like to start off with your tutorial “intro-d3/costofliving” but the webpage seems to not be working properly. Any chance of following the content another way?